It’s interesting to frame both history and life through the contrasting lenses of solutions and implementation.

Farming was a solution to the challenges and dangers built into the hunter-gatherer lifestyle.
The story of civilization has largely been a story of the implementation of that solution of farming.

Electricity was a solution to a wide range of problems. Most notably early on, it was a safe way to light one’s home with much lower risk of fire or explosion.
The last 100 years of unimaginable advancement following the roll-out of the light bulb and the electrification civilization has been to a large extent the story of the implementation of that solution of electricity.

Without the solution, these massive shifts would have never taken place.

These ideas changed everything.

Without new solutions to problems, we are simply forever stuck in old ways.

Personally, I love coming up with solutions. I definitely find it more fun than implementation.

But, it’s worth remembering that without the implementation, solutions are fruitless.

The problem doesn’t get solved without solutions; but the problem doesn’t get fixed without implementing those solutions.

Today we live in a world with an over-abundance of both personal and systematic solutions, to the point where it’s almost laughable.

With a few taps, you can find custom dietary and workout solutions that will bulk you up, trim you down, help treat disease, or make yourself sick (if you wanted the latter for some reason 🤷🏻‍♂️).

You can find detailed, effective instructions to start an online business, to run a custom artificial intelligence on your phone, or to learn any language you could ever want to learn.

Not to mention, there are pretty solid solutions worked out to solve some of society’s most pressing problems, from extreme poverty and starvation, to desertification, and beyond.

Right now, the real problem we face when it comes to fixing all those problems, from losing weight to ending world hunger, isn’t solutions. Many of those solutions are actually figured out pretty well already, and are very accessible to those who want them.

No, the real problem is implementation.

It’s putting in the work, to see manifest in real life those things we can currently see only in the blueprint.

William Gibson is widely quoted as saying:

“The future is already here — it’s just not very evenly distributed.”

I might offer an update to that:

“Most of the solutions we need are already here — they’re just not very widely implemented.”