Yes, it’s much better than the path we’re currently on.

Sustaining the current state would definitely be an improvement over reckless, endless extraction and destruction.

Parking a car is also an improvement over barreling it off of a cliff.

But that’s not the goal.
Or, at least, it shouldn’t be.

The goal isn’t just sustainability but Regeneration.

Not just, “Don’t make it worse”, but actively “Make it better”.

Exploited and extracted land left on its own can eventually, given enough time, see its ecosystems recover.

But, that same land put in the stewardship of a skilled and well-resourced permaculturist can see those ecosystems recover in a fraction of the time.

“The natural world is incomplete without the human touch.” ~ Charles C. Mann

We’re not meant to destroy.
We’re also not meant just to sustain.
We’re meant to Restore.

To learn, understand, and SEE things as they really are, from a place of utter humility. To know — intimately, empathetically, and tangibly — just how broken something is, how exploited and misused it’s been, and yet to also see with unquenchable conviction its paths back to life.

Don’t settle for the broken systems we see.
But, also, don’t settle for just not making things worse.


Be a stubborn optimist.

It’s a good posture to take in all parts of life and society — not just creation care.