
Creation works in cycles. Air in, air out. Food in, food out. Day in, day out. Respecting the seasons we’re in — knowing where we are in our personal cycles — can mean the difference between keeping rolling forward, and derailment. Ever try inhaling and exhaling at the same time? So it is with doing the right thing in the wrong season.

February 20, 2022 · 1 min · Josh
Matthew 5 : A Re-Translation for Today

Matthew 5 : A Translation for Today

Download Audio Blessed are those who do not jump to conclusions, for they will see the world with unveiled eyes. Blessed are those who humbly assume they’re not right about everything. They will inherit understanding. Blessed are those who react with sadness instead of outrage, for their tears are seeds that will grow into trees of joy. Blessed are those who love vehemently, unconditionally, and indiscriminately, for they will be beacons of hope in an ultra-polarized world....

October 20, 2020 · 5 min · Josh
 A Comprehensive Guide to Successfully Breaking Up with Social Media

A Comprehensive Guide to Successfully Breaking Up with Social Media

Update — September 2022: Technology apparently changes FAST. Many specific tips and techniques in this guide have become out dated since I first wrote it in 2020. İf there is something here you’ve tried that’s not working, message me about what you’re wanting to do, and I’ll be glad to help… And maybe I’ll update that section of the guide at the same time. 😅 “The sugar high of convenience is fleeting and the sting of missing out dulls rapidly, but the meaningful glow that comes from taking charge of what claims your time and attention is something that persists.” ~ Cal Newport In my last post I highlighted a few reasons (among many, many more) that I’ve decided it’s time to say “Baby, bye bye bye” to Facebook and my other social media accounts. (If you haven’t read it, I highly recommend reading it before reading this one. Last post gave the why for what I’m doing. This post goes really deep into the details on the what and the how). ...

July 25, 2020 · 48 min · Josh

3 Reasons It’s Time to Update our Relationship Status with Social Media

Download audio /mp3/social-media-dtr.mp3 “Addiction is a condition in which a person engages in use of a substance or in a behavior for which the rewarding effects provide a compelling incentive to repeatedly pursue the behavior despite detrimental consequences.” Twelve years ago, I spent a week at summer camp like I had many summers before. And just like those many summers before, at the end of camp my new friends and I exchanged our contact info so we could stay in touch after we all got home. In previous years, we would share our email addresses, our MSN accounts (remember those days!?), or in the rare cases of the closest of new friendships, we might share our phone numbers (this was back before any of us had cellphones, so this was actually for calling on the family landline — not for texting). ...

July 9, 2020 · 16 min · Josh
Thoughts on Guns

Thoughts on Guns

I read a book this year that convicted my heart more than any other (non-Bible) book that I've read in recent memory. I've been chewing on it for two months, and have been trying to figure out a way to share it... but I've struggled to put effectively into words what's been on my heart, so I haven't... However, seeing the story floating around about this most recent shooting in a church in Texas has stirred up my heart again... so bear with me as I try to work some of these emotions, experiences, and thoughts into intelligible sentences... ...

January 1, 2020 · 9 min · Josh
Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport

Digital Minimalism: Book recommendation

I originally wrote this on my Facebook account back in 2019. I’m reposting it here, partly because you can see some of the seeds that lead to my later decisions, and partly because I’m wanting to start sharing more book recommendations, and I think this counts as a decent “first”. I just borrowed this book from the library, and loved it so much that I read it in a single day!...

June 17, 2019 · 2 min · Josh