📸: [@aaronburden](https://unsplash.com/@aaronburden)

Every Chapter of the Bible on One Page

A couple years ago I scoured the internet for something I thought would be easy to find, and which I’m confident exists somewhere, but which I couldn’t turn up in my searching. So, I made it myself… I was looking for a printable sheet that had every chapter of the Bible listed as checkboxes, so that I could mark anytime I had read a chapter, and keep track of which chapters I had read....

November 19, 2022 · 2 min · Josh
📸: [@clintnaik](https://unsplash.com/@clintnaik)

Own Your Feed: Save Your Attention (and, maybe, the World?) with RSS

TL;DR: RSS is the best way to follow content online. My feed is here. Try something like Feedly if you’re new to RSS, though the options for how RSS can make your relationship with online media more healthy and meaningful are countless. It’s been over 2 years since I deleted of all my social media accounts, and with them, all the attention sucking newsfeeds and updates that came with them....

November 17, 2022 · 18 min · Josh
📸: [@nerfee](https://unsplash.com/@nerfee)

Add an Acid

The most useful cooking advice I’ve ever heard: If you can tell there’s just “something missing” in what you’re cooking, simply add an acid. 1 A good squeeze of lemon juice on something bland can bring it to life in surprisingly magical way. It can take a meal from “meh, passable” to “daaang! not bad!” in mere seconds. I’ve tried it with a range of acids: lemon juice, lime juice, apple cider vinegar....

November 15, 2022 · 2 min · Josh
📸: [@aaronburden](https://unsplash.com/@aaronburden) (and Homebrew, Nintendo, & Chocolatey, obviously)

Package Managers and Why They're Awesome

In the deep-diving of the esoteric world of technology as I do, I often come across tools which the vast majority of people will never need or make use of. I tend to note those tools and log them away for personal use, as it is not uncommon for weird situations to pop up where I need some ultra-niche tool I’ve stumbled across in the past. Other times, some of those tools I encounter could make a lot of people’s lives much easier and more convenient....

November 10, 2022 · 6 min · Josh
📸: [@samscrim](https://unsplash.com/@samscrim)

"Race to the Top"

Lots of issues in the world today seem to come back to the “race to the bottom”. Creating the lowest prices and most convenience for consumers… Even if that comes at the cost of the lives of children. Taking as much attention as possible… Even if that results in nations destablizing, and teen suicide rates skyrocketing. Getting as deeply as possible ingrained into people’s habits and brain stems, becoming as addictive as the technology and the law allows, extracting every gram of monetization we can, no matter the cost or the side effects…...

November 9, 2022 · 2 min · Josh

The Kingdom of Heaven Is Like Vibranium

This week I wrote a guest post over on at Emmaus Apparel, the faith-based streetwear company run by brother Stephen. It’s an ultra-nerdy article about the intersection between Christian faith and the 2018 movie, Black Panther. “Wait….. huh?” Yeah, I know. 😆 I had a great time writing it! Hopefully you’ll enjoy reading it as much as I did creating it! You can check it out here! And while you’re there, take a look at some of the cool merch Stephen is selling!...

November 8, 2022 · 1 min · Josh

Fixing Wordpress Nginx "502 Bad Gateway" Error After Debian Upgrade

This is a pretty technical post. If most of the words in the title above are gibberish to you, this article likely isn’t for you. You’ll probably like the other things I’ve written more 😄 ) In the spirit of showing my work, here’s a quick fix to an annoying little upgrade bug I encountered when upgrading a server from version Debian 10 to Debian 11. Immediately after upgrading, the WordPress site that I was hosting (Specifically, the nginx server software WordPress was installed on) started giving a 502 Bad Gateway error:...

November 7, 2022 · 2 min · Josh
📸: [Christian Albrecht Jensen](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl_Friedrich_Gauss)

A Lost 1805 Discovery Could Have Stopped the Cold War

Today I watched a video from Derek Muller (great name 😎👍🏽) called The Most Important Algorithm Of All Time. The video discusses a game-changing piece of mathematical and scientific wisdom that, had it been known to the scientific community in 1958, could have prevented the nuclear proliferation of the ’60s, ’70s, and ’80s, and would have likely ended the Cold War 30 years early! 1 It’s a great video! I love and recommend Derek’s content!...

November 7, 2022 · 2 min · Josh
📸: [@iamchang](https://unsplash.com/@iamchang)

Make Friends With "One of Them"

I recently stumbled upon Johnny Harris’ video from a few years ago titled “What I learned by befriending Iranians on Facebook”. In it, he talks about how, in an effort to better understand the situation in Iran in 2015, he reached out to a couple dozen Iranians online to hear their stories. This act of befriending, talking with, and hearing stories of Iranians — a group that Harris admitted he had viewed through the West’s media lens as militant and hateful to a large extent — ended up humanizing the Iranian people in a way Harris wasn’t expecting....

November 6, 2022 · 3 min · Josh
📸: [@marvelous](https://unsplash.com/@marvelous)

Protocols Over Platforms

In technology, a protocol is a standard and agreed upon language that allows different systems to communicate with each other. It’s the idea underneath every layer of technology that is allowing you to be reading this right now. The web is based on protocols. It’s a paradigm that focuses on freedom, on accessibility, and on interoperability. Protocols grant the ability for anyone to access, use, and build on top of the work of those who came before them....

November 5, 2022 · 5 min · Josh